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Stearyl methylacrylate (SMA)


一、Basic information
    Stearyl methylacrylate
      CAS No.32360-05-7
      Chemical formulaC22H42O2
      Formula weight 338
      Structural formula


二、Physicochemical Property

     SMA, a long chain alkyl acrylate, can be used to synthesize crude oil depressant, fabric waterproof and oil-proof agent, leather waterproof agent, oil absorption resin, SMA polymer has good water resistance, lipophilic, SMA can also be used for ink, paint, polymer modification of adhesives and other fields.


二、Basic application

SMA can be used as functional hydrophobic monomer, crude oil pour point depressant, fabric finishing agent, leather additives, plasticizer, oil absorption resin.  This product has many carbon atoms and is smaller than lauryl methacrylate.  SMA can also be used to produce coatings, inks, adhesives, paper coating resin, lubricating oil additives, leather additives, waterproof and oil-proof agent, crude oil viscosity reduction agent synthesis, textile dyeing and finishing agent.  SMA is especially suitable for textile sizing synthesis (such as warp sizing, monomer amount of 2.1-2.2%), to help sizing film and improve sizing toughness, increase surface smoothness.  


SMA is an important organic chemical raw material with universal use, SMA homopolymer (polymethacrylate is a compound of dressing structure) is a super absorbent resin, can be used as adhesives and coatings, but also can be used as soil additives and crude oil depressant.  The copolymer of SMA with styrene and maleic anhydride is an effective pour point depressant for crude oil and refined oil.


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